
日本歌日本動畫中文歌詞.歌詞來源皆在網路,歡迎大家轉載喔.2011年11月9日星期三.RiseAgainst-PrayerOfTheRefugee(中文翻譯) ...,[Chorus]Don'tholdmeupnow.Icanstandmyownground.Idon'tneedyourhelpnow.Youwillletmedown,down,down.Don'tholdmeupnow(Oh,oh,oh, ...,Warmyourselfbythefire,son在火邊暖暖身體吧孩子.Andthemorningwillcomesoon.黎明很快就會來臨.I'lltellyoustoriesofabetter ...,【歌詞翻譯】RiseAgainst–Pray...

Rise Against

日本歌日本動畫中文歌詞. 歌詞來源皆在網路,歡迎大家轉載喔. 2011年11月9日星期三. Rise Against - Prayer Of The Refugee (中文翻譯) ...

Rise Against – Prayer of the Refugee Lyrics

[Chorus] Don't hold me up now. I can stand my own ground. I don't need your help now. You will let me down, down, down. Don't hold me up now (Oh, oh, oh, ...

【歌詞翻譯】Rise Against – Prayer of The Refugee

Warm yourself by the fire, son 在火邊暖暖身體吧孩子. And the morning will come soon. 黎明很快就會來臨. I'll tell you stories of a better ...

Rise Against

【歌詞翻譯】Rise Against – Prayer of The Refugee. Warm yourself by the fire, son 在火邊暖暖身體吧孩子And the morni... Continue Reading → · 2016-02-27. 分類.

【歌詞翻譯】Rise Against

Don't let me down, down, down, down, down! 別害我對你失望,永無止境的失望!

Rise Against - Prayer Of The Refugee Lyrics

Don't hold me up now, I can stand my own ground, I don't need your help now, You will let me down, down, down! So open your eyes child, Let's be on our way.

Prayer Of The Refugee 歌詞mp3 線上收聽及免費下載

在JOOX收聽Rise Against的新歌Prayer Of The Refugee,來自專輯El Punk No Muere (Explicit) ,{{lyrics}}


Warm yourself by the fire, son And the morning will come soon I'll tell you stories of a better time In a place that we once knew Before we packed our bags.

Prayer Of The Refugee - Rise Against

Prayer Of The Refugee. Warm yourself by the fire, son. And the morning will come soon. I'll tell you stories of a better time. In a place that we once knew.

Rise Against - Prayer of the Refugee lyrics translation in Chinese

Don′t hold me up now. Don′t hold me up now ; I can stand my own ground. 我自己可以立足 ; I don't need your help now. 我不需要你任何的幫助 ; You will let me down, ...